Chapter Calendar
3rd Thursday of Each Month
6:00 pm 'share a meal'
7:00 pm 'business meeting'
Fellowship Hall of the Eagle Rock Church
110 Reynolds Bridge Rd Thomaston, CT
Phone: 860-283-5218
If you are working and don't have time to travel home between work and the meeting and /or if you just went to stop by early for fellowship -- bring your meal and meet with those who come early at 6:00 for friendship before the official meeting time.
PLEASE -- Always check the calendar before heading out!!
(Weather for our area is shown just below the calendar. STAY SAFE!!)
If you see something on the calendar that you would like to know more about, click on the words on the calendar that give the time and the first part of the title of the event and a little page will open for you. The page will give you the complete title of the event, the time it will be held, where it will be held (with a map to get there), and a discription of the event.
DIRECTIONS: South on Route 8 to exit #38 -- go STRAIGHT at end of exit -- .06 miles, just after light, carwash on left, TURN LEFT onto Reynolds Bridge Road -- church .03 miles on right.
DIRECTIONS: North on Route 8 to exit #38 -- bottom of exit, BEAR RIGHT and TURN RIGHT (both) onto Reynolds Bridge Road -- continue on Reynolds Bridge for .08 miles, church on left.
The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a non-partisan, non-political organization. We do not support any political candidate nor do we endorse any religious organization. The military represents all aspects of America as does our organization. We are here to support our troops, our veterans, one another, and the cause of patriotism. Linking to our website does not represent an endorsement on the part of Connecticut Blue Star Mothers or Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.