Serving The Chapter
The following are the oaths of office given for elected and appointed officers of the Chapter. If at the end of the oath it says 'Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws Ritual Manual' the oath comes from the National Ritual Manual. If at the end of the oath it says 'Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One, Operating Manual' the oath is one that our Chapter uses when one of our members is taking care of these duties.
The following represent ways members have served or are serving within our Chapter. If there is a way you are interesting in serving that you do not see here, please let us know.
President (BSMoA)
"Madam President, you have been appointed to the highest office within the gift of the members. With this high honor come responsibilities and duties which you will be required to perform with fidelity and justice. You are the Presiding Officer. You appoint all committees, unless otherwise provided for. It will be incumbent upon you to provide energetic and well-informed leadership, plans, and working provisions. I now present you with the gavel, your emblem of authority. Use it firmly and with discretion, but never in a dictatorial manner. Remember that the President is expected to set a good example. The success of this chapter, for the period of your office, depends in a great measure upon your wise conduct of its affairs. I congratulate you and wish you great success."
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws Ritual Manual
First Vice President (BSMoA)
Second Vice President (BSMoA)
Third Vice President (BSMoA)
Fourth Vice President (BSMoA)
Recording Secretary (BSMoA)
"Madam Recording Secretary, it shall be your duty to keep an accurate record of all meetings, read all communications, write all letters requested by the President, Executive Board, or by the chapter. You shall carry on the correspondence between this group and all other organizations. Therefore, your good judgment and discretion will assist to preserve harmony and good will."
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws Ritual Manual
Corresponding Secretary (BSMoA)
Financial Secretary (BSMoA)
"Madam Financial Secretary, it shall be your duty to receive all monies, keeping an accurate record of the same. You shall pay all monies to the Treasurer at the close of each meeting, taking her receipt for same. You shall send in all per capita tax reports and keep a financial record for all supplies."
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws Ritual Manual
Treasurer (BSMoA)
"Madam Treasurer, it shall be your duty to receive all monies from the Financial Secretary, giving her your receipt for same. You shall pay all bills when properly authorized and signed by the President."
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws Ritual Manual
Chaplain (BSMoA)
"Madam Chaplain, yours is a sacred trust. In the discharge of your duties, you will be required to lead in the devotional exercises, and to invoke God's blessings at all meetings and obligate new members. It shall be your duty to respond to all sickness and deaths reported and to perform such other duties as may be required."
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws Ritual Manual
Patriotic Instructor (BSMoA)
"Madam Patriotic Instructor, it shall be your duty to display the flag of our country and to formulate plans to instill in the minds of members and the public, love and reverence to the flag; to have it suitably guarded and to have due homage rendered to the flag when publicly displayed. You shall lead in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag."
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws Ritual Manual
Historian (BSMoA)
Parliamentarian (BSMoA)
"Madam Parliamentarian, it shall be your duty to act in an advisory capacity to the President. You may give an opinion in accordance to Robert's Rules of Order, but the final decision is up to the Presiding Officer."
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Constiturion and By-Laws Ritual Manual
Conductress and Assistant Conductress (BSMoA) -- (new title, Sgt. At Arms)
"Madam Condutress and Assistant Conductress (Sgt. At Arms and Assistant Sgt. At Arms), it shall be your duty to properly prepare the room for all meetings, to assist in the initiation of members, the introduction of visitors, and to perform such other duties as may be required. You shall see that the room is properly set up, and have charge of tableaus, drill work, and marches under the direction of the President. "It shall be your duty to guard the door and prevent improper interruptions and to preserve order, under the direction of the President, when called upon so to act."
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws Ritual Manual
Captain (BSMoS) -- (may be included in Sgt. At Arms)
Color Guards (BSMoA)
"Madam Color Guards, it shall be your duty to assist the Sgt At Arms in the performance of her duties; the No.1 and No. 2 Color Guards shall act as guards for the flag and banner."
Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws Ritual Manual
Musician (BSMoA)
Choral Director (BSMoA)
Guards (BSMoA) -- (may be included in Sgt. At Arms)
Installing Officer (CT BSM)
“Madam Installing Officer, it shall be your duty to oversee and perform all services for the bringing in of officers and officials of this chapter.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Blue To Gold Representative (CT BSM)
“Madam Blue to Gold Representative, it shall be your duty to be informed daily of the casualty announcements set forth by the Department of Defense. It shall also be your duty when appropriate to notify this chapter of a Connecticut fatality. It will further be your duty to work with the military’s Casualty Assistance Officer, the assigned funeral home, and Service to provide appropriate services, Gold Star Flags, condolence books, and memory samplers to the families of the fallen. Your duties will include informing the chapter members of the death, the funeral arrangements, and the process for offering condolences. You will further work with the Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. in relaying our state information for their records and the records of the Department of Defense.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Armed Forces Emergency Sercices Coordinator / "American Red Cross" (CT BSM)
‘Madam Armed Forces Emergency Services Coordinator / 'American Red Cross', it shall be your duty to serve as the emergency contact for troops and their families, to utilize your training to assist families in need both short and long term, to help families make appropriate contacts, and to inform and instruct families and the members of this chapter on the availability and accessibility of such programs in relation to the American Red Cross.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Pastor (CT BSM)
"Madam Pastor, yours is a professional, sacred trust. In the discharge of your duties, you will be required to give professional, trained counsel and care upon request to the mothers and other members of the Chapter, the members of the organizations we assist and/or serve, our troops, and our veterans. Confidentiality will be mandatory in all situations. Proper professional etiquette and ethics will be expected at all times. It shall be your duty to facilitate the implementation and operation of the Chapter's Blue to Gold Program, Blue to Silver Program, and operational networking services in times of special care and need. You shall assist the Blue to Gold Chapter and State Liaison(s), the Blue to Silver State Coordinator, this Chapter's Chaplain, this Chapter's Troop Care Coordinator, this Chapter's Armed Forces Emergency Services Coordinator, all Chapter and State VAVS workers, and others working in the field of direct care to military families, troops, and veterans. You shall be available to families with special care needs whenever possible. It will further be your responsibility to maintain your professional standing which gives you the authority to assume this office."
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operatingl Manual
Veteran Care Coordinator / "VAVS Representative" (CT BSM)
“Madam Veteran Care Coordinator and VAVS Representative, it shall be your duty to facilitate veterans as they become familiar with the veteran care system. It shall be your duty to provide contacts, printed information, and relational care. It shall also be your duty to stay informed of the most recent information and also to operate under the guidelines of the veteran care system both locally and nationally. As the VAVS for the State of Connecticut, you shall oversee the program’s volunteers in our state.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Liaisons For Our State VA Facilities (CT BSM)
“Madams Liaisons for our VA Facilities, it shall be your duty to initiate contact with the veteran care facility to which you are assigned. Your duties at that facility will include establishing contacts for the chapter with the facilities workers, informing those workers of our veteran service organizational capacity, providing printed information for workers and clients, and assisting when called on by the facility.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Veteran Care Coordinator with the CT Disabled American Veteransv (CT BSM)
"Madam Veteran Care Coordinator with the Connecticut Disabled American Veterans, it shall be your duty to contact and inform local DAV providers of our services to veterans. It will also be your duty to keep a record of available contacts so that you can assist the VAVS officer in providing necessary informational assistance to our veterans.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Coordinator for CT VFW and American Legion Posts (CT BSM)
“Madam Coordinator for Connecticut Veteran Of Foreign War and American Legion Posts, it shall be your duty to inform VFW and American Legion posts about the Connecticut Blue Star Mothers. It will further be your duty to provide written information to these posts concerning our organization. Included in your duties is up to date record keeping of listings of and contacts for VFW and American Legion posts. Contact lists of other troop and veteran service organizations in our state should also be included in the record keeping section of the duties of this office along with personal contact with the organization if possible -- if there is no one available to fill the Coordinatior for 'other' CT Veteran Service Orgnizations office.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Coordinator For 'Other' CT Veterans Service Organizations (CT BSM)
“Madam Coordinator for Connecticut 'Other' Veteran Service Orgnaizations, it shall be your duty to inform the Veteran Service Organizations (other than the VFW and American Legion Posts) about the Connecticut Blue Star Mothers. It will further be your duty to provide written information to these organizations concerning our Chapter. Included in your duties is up to date record keeping of listings of and contacts for the Veterans Service Organization which you are responsible for."
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Military Academy Parent/Cadet Liaison (CT BSM)
“Madam Military Academy Parent/Cadet Liaison is shall be your duty to bridge the gap for parents and cadets as they transition from the academy. It shall be your duty to assist and inform them of various opportunities available to them for continues support relationship, activities, and endeavors.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapte One Operating Manual
Hospitality Officer (CT BSM)
”Madam Hospitality Officer it shall be your duty to extend cordial invitations to others, assist and inform visitors, plan home coming events for returning troops, and provide opportunities to set for hospitable situations and circumstances for our chapter.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
"Run For The Wall" (CT BSM)
”Madam ‘Run For The Wall‘ it shall be your duty to inform and instruct the chapter members on the program and facilitate the chapter’s participation in said activity.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Supplies and Craft Coordinator (CT BSM)
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Fund Raiser (CT BSM)
“Madam Fund Raiser, it shall be your duty to initiate, develop, oversee, and promote fund raising activities within this chapter and as this chapter initiates fund raising projects within our communities.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Webmaster (CT BSM)
“Madam Webmaster, it shall be your duty to develop and maintain a website for this chapter. Your duties will include design, promotion, and updates in relation to the website; they will also include the encouragement of others to participate in said website.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
"Patriot Guard" Representative (CT BSM)
Media Manager (CT BSM)
"Madam Media Manager, it shall be your duty to develop and keep up to date a contact list for the various media avenues within our state. It shall be your responsibility to use this list wisely as you carry out your media contact assignments for the Chapter. In addition to this master list, it will be necessary to keep corresponding lists which will detail who was contacted, when, for what purpose, and if there was a follow up or a response."
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
Legislation and Reform Officer (CT BSM)
Awareness / Recognition Director (CT BSM)
Drop Off Center Coordinator For Troop/Veteran Items (CT BSM)
"Madam Drop Off Center Coordinator For Troop/Veteran Items, it shall be your duty to locate, monitor, and assist centers throughout the state where items for the troops and veterans can be collected. It will be your duty to contact possible places that may agree to be a center for the Chapter and to accept application from established places that wish to be included in our drop off center program. It will further be your duty to maintain contact and informational sheets on the drop off centers, provide the centers with materials to establish a center (or corner!) and to contact our Chapter, oversee the collection of items from the centers, and facilitate the process of getting collected items to the proper officers and/or facilities."
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chpater One Operating Manual
Troop Care Coordinator (CT BSM)
"Madam Troop Care Coordinator it shall be your duty to be responsible for all phases of troop care that our chapter undertakes. It shall be your duty to guide and direct the chapter through your expertise and experience in developing and working with troop service projects.”
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, CT Chapter One Operating Manual
The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a non-partisan, non-political organization. We do not support any political candidate nor do we endorse any religious organization. The military represents all aspects of America as does our organization. We are here to support our troops, our veterans, one another, and the cause of patriotism. Linking to our website does not represent an endorsement on the part of Connecticut Blue Star Mothers or Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.