The “Big Dipper” Organization
The Big Dipper is an auxiliary of Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc., that came into being in Milwaukee, Wisconsin November 7 at the 1951 National Convention. The objectives of the organization are threefold: 1) honoring outstanding members of the Blue Star Mothers, 2) sponsoring a “Fun Night” at conventions and 3) providing educational assistance.
In the beginning membership was very exclusive. To be a member of Big Dipper a Blue Star Mother (BSMA) had to be an active member of her local chapter for at least one year, preferably an officer. The local Chapter had to nominate potential candidates, then vote, indicating their chapter’s choice for membership. It was a great honor to be chosen as a member of Big Dipper.
Today all BSMAs in good standing are encouraged to become a member of Big Dipper. Membership is easily accomplished. You submit your name, address, application form (found below) and $5.00 (yearly dues) through your BSMA Chapter’s Financial Secretary to your State Department’s Financial Secretary. One half of the dues stay with the State Department’s Big Dipper. The other half of the dues goes to National Big Dipper. If there is no State Department (Connecticut does not have a Department), then all the dues go to National Big Dipper Financial Secretary. (Financial Secretary: Robin Johnson 72 Minnerly Road Coxsackie, NY 12051)
The second objective is to sponsor a Fun Night which is held, traditionally on Friday evening of Convention for both the National and State Department. This event is held at the request or permission of the Big Dipper President and the President of the parent organization. This is a time to promote harmony, goodwill, cooperation and fellowship, not just among Big Dipper members, but among all BSMA. This event is also a way to garner more money for the educational assistance fund, which comes from the dues of Big Dipper members and any possible donations.
Each event has a theme. At the 2007 National Convention it was “Heroes of WWII”, in 2008 it was “Pajama Party”, and at the Michigan Department Convention in 2009, it was a “Costume Party”. The 2011 National Fun NIght theme was 'The Roaring 20s' and 2012 brought 'The USO'! Among the many activities held on Fun Night the last few years has been a silent auction. Chapters and individuals are encouraged to collect items and donate them for the auction - proceeds going to educational assistance. The bidding goes on throughout the evening during the other activities and then about 30 minutes before the evening ends, the bidding is closed and the winners of the items are announced.
The last objective is to provide educational assistance to a worthy son/daughter, grandson/granddaughter of BSMA or veteran, as well as a veteran, or active duty personnel. At National Convention 2007 The Big Dipper governing body, consisting of the entire membership in attendance, voted to extend this educational assistance to the BSMAs themselves.
The educational assistance fund was dedicated to the memory of Josephine Colenda of PA # 22 at the National BSMA Convention held in Lansing, Michigan in 1989. Josephine, after many years of active service in BSMA, died that year while holding the office of National Big Dipper President.
BIG DIPPER - Membership Application.pdf Size : 517.055 Kb Type : pdf |
BIG DIPPER - Scholarship Application.pdf Size : 231.987 Kb Type : pdf |
Mail application for Membership to:
Mail to: Financial Secretary
Robin Johnson
72 Minnerly Rd
Coxsackie, NY 12051
Mail application for Scholarship to:
Big Dipper President
Paulette Gloden
10531 Brennan Road
Emmett, MI 48022
2011-2012 Officers
President: Paulette Gloden MI180
10531 Brennan Road
Emmett, MI 48022
Vice President: Pat Wilson-Perkins CT4
3 Clearview Avenue
Bethel, CT 06801
Recording Secretary: Dr. Sarah M. Young
10257 Trails End Circle
San Diego, CA 92126-3517
858-201-6479 (motherLine)
858-860-0461 (Dr. Sarah direct)
Financial Secretary: Robin Johnson
72 Minnerly Rd
Coxsackie, NY 12051
Treasurer: Dawn Jones
2181 Springside Drive
St. Paul, MN 55119
651-738-8182 (home)
651-402-6931 (cell)
Chaplain: Rev. Lin McGee CT1
111 Marshall Street
Winsted, CT 06098
Sgt-at-Arms: Ann Cordero
243 Peninsula Drive
Lake Almanor, CA 96137
Historian: Glynda Greene NM2
8914 Cottonwood Rd NE
Albuguerque, NM 87111
Patriotic Inst: Ann Cordero
243 Peninsula Drive
Lake Almanor, CA 96137
Parliamentarian: Linda Humphrey OH57
Big Dipper -- Handbook.pdf Size : 288.406 Kb Type : pdf |
Big Dipper - Questions and Answers.pdf Size : 141.196 Kb Type : pdf |
Big Dipper Pamphlet.pdf Size : 198.556 Kb Type : pdf |
Big Dipper - History.pdf Size : 68.504 Kb Type : pdf |
The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a non-partisan, non-political organization. We do not support any political candidate nor do we endorse any religious organization. The military represents all aspects of America as does our organization. We are here to support our troops, our veterans, one another, and the cause of patriotism. Linking to our website does not represent an endorsement on the part of Connecticut Blue Star Mothers or Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.