
All officers of the CT BSM please arrive for a 6:00 pm meeting at the Cromwell Town Hall on January 18, 2007 to attend to the business of the Chapter. We will be meeting in the Arch Room (same door entrance as our other meetings -- go straight through the lobby -- down the hallway -- take a left -- go through the double doors -- Arch Room is on the right).
There will be an Officers Meeting at 6:00 pm prior to our regular meeting.
There will be a short business session to start the January 18TH 7:00 Monthly Meeting and then we will have social time.
For now, we are going to hold our monthly meetings in Cromwell at the Town Hall at 7:00 pm on the third Thursday of the month as we have been in the past. There has been a bit of conversation concerning location, time, etc. for our meetings from some of our moms. At present, this seems to be the most convenient for the majority of moms. As we proceed through the year, we will decide on changes and / or additions together that we would like to make that will help more moms (especially taking into consideration the winter months that are coming up). Thus, first meeting of the year, Cromwell Town Hall, 7:00 pm, Thursday, January 18, 2007.
One change is that we will now be meeting in the Arch Room instead of the smaller room where we were meeting. To get to the Arch Roon, we go to the same front door of the Town Hall that we have been going to -- go straight through the lobby (don't go downstairs as we did before) -- go down the hallway -- take a left and go through the double doors -- the Arch Room will be on the left.
Start Time: 6:00 PM
The Scholarship Committee of the CT BSM will be meeting at Ruby Tuesdays in the Mall on Hamilton Ave. in Waterbury, CT at 6:00 pm ---- JANUARY 3, 2007
If you are already on the Scholarshipp Committee or interested in baing a part of the work the Committee is doing, please come on along! All Welcome!
Please bring your paperwork that Micky has handed out if you have it!
June 21 -- Thursday -- 6:00 pm
Oakville VFW, 85 Davis Street Oakville, CT
June 21 -- Thursday -- 7:00 pm
Oakville VFW, 85 Davis Street Oakville, CT
Start Time: 6:00 PM
Monthly General Meeting -- Start Time: 7:00 PM
We will be having our monthly business meeting on January 24, 2008.
This is one week later than our regular 'Thurd Thursday of the Month' -- due to illness, work schedules, and the weather.
Our new meeting place is the Eagle Rock Congregational Church -- 110 Reynolds Bridge Road -- Thomaston, CT.
From Routh 8 -- north or south, take exit 38..... Going south, go across the road at the end of the exit onto Route 6 -- continue to the light at the car wash and take that left -- church is just down the street on the right. Going north, turn right and then take another immediate right at the end of the exit onto Reynolds Bridge Road. Continue down the road and the church will be on the left.
Here is some information and also the agenda for the January meeting for the Connecticut Blue Star Mothers -- CT Chapter One. It is going to everyone, as there are things on our agenda that have to do with all of the CT Chapters. If there is anything to be corrected, added, changed, left out, etc.... just email me back and I will make the corrections...... Also, if you get this email and you wish not to be receiving them -- just let me know and I will remove your addy --- don't want to bother people, but don't want to leave anyone out either.
First, The meetings for CT BSM - CT Chapter ONE -- have been moved to the Eagle Rock Congregational Church, 110 Reynolds Bridge Rd -- Thomaston, CT. The meetings will still be held on the third Thursday of each month -- 6 o'clock for 'business' -- 7 o'clock for 'general meeing'. These have been our set meeting times and dates for Chapter One since we started almost two years ago. We will be continuing with this plan unless the members would like to change it -- then we would take a Chapter vote. At this time, our 'third Thursday of the month' has been presented to the Church and accepted. It will be important for all members to watch the calender on our main website to be sure meetings will take place as scheduled. If something comes up and the church has an activity which needs to take place on the third Thursday night, we will move our meeting to the fourth Thursday night for that month ---- if there is bad winter weather, we will move our meeting to the fourth Thursday night ---- if we decide that we will be having a dinner or a special outing on that night instead of our meeting, the time and place will show on the calendar. Here is a map to the church
Second, members from CT Chapter 2 will be meeting with us at our January meeting. These mothers, as you know, are in a bit of a problem with their process of charter. I have been contacting (and have been contacted by) many mothers in BSM leadership across the nation -- have received some excellent advise -- and will be once again contacting 1VP Anita Wagner and other National people today. Anita has placed these mother in a particularly precarious position. As State Liaison, there are several things I could do --- HOWEVER --- for the safety of Chapter 2, our Chapter, and myself -- the best advise I have received from others, I believe, is that 'National created this problem -- let National fix it.' As, any misrepresentation of a Veteran Service Organization is classified by law as a class three felony, that is exactly what I am going to do. All will receive a copy of whatever I write to National in relation to this. They will need to fix the problem -- I will keep the push on so that they will correct it immediately.
Third, we also have CT Chapter 3 starting up. Cecile is in the process of beginning CT Chapter 3. THIS IS FANTASTIC!!! First of all, this will allow the mothers who are in the Cromwell area, where CT Chapter One has been meeting for the past year and a half, not to have to drive to the Thomaston area where CT Chapter One will now be holding there meetings. This is important -- we need to have Chapters throughout the state -- we need to have people 'near-by' that can be there for support -- we need to have meetings that people can get to without the distance being inconvenient for them. The primary purpose of the BSMoA is to support mothers who have children serving in a war --- the closer the mothers are to one another geographically, the better this can be done. Now, this is not to say that one mother can not participate in the activities of another Chapter --- here is the thing -- by Constitution and By-Laws, you can only be a member in one Chapter at a time -- you can only have voting rights in one Chapter -- however, you have every right to participate in any Chapter, any where, at any time. Here is where it is very important that each member has a membership card and that the card is up to date -- without that, Chapters are not going to let you participate if they don't know you and your membership standing. We will be able to have a very strong group by supporting one another throughout the state! As you might remember, when we first started Chapter One, I had asked for various mothers who would take the responsibility for holding meetings and giving support in various parts of the state --- well, we are doing better than that now -- now we have Chapters!
Fourth, now that we have three Chapters, we need to start thinking about a Department!! Isn't this exciting?????/ It has been a struggle at times to work with National, as we do not have a vote on the National Board. With three Chapters, we are allowed to apply for a Department in our State -- this would give us that vote!! With the 'problems' within National over the past few years, there is a tremendous need for decent, moral mothers to come on board and to stand for the right that will take our organization back to what it has always stood for. It will take us some time to get things up to where we will be ready to ask for Department charter. We MUST get Chapter 2's paperwork straightened out! Too, it takes Chapters a bit of time to get organized after forming. So, after a time, when things are in order, we can start talking about a Department. There are only a few states with Chapters now, and there is no way to bring our organization back to it's high standards without getting Departments together that the National officers will have to be accountable to.
Fifth, Chapter One has been talking about putting a cookbook together for sometime. Cecile is heading the project. We are hoping to get this out quickly now, as so many things will be coming up a few months from now where we can get out and sell these cookbooks. What Chapter One would like to see happen is this -- we would like to put this cookbook together (all of the Chapters together) -- and then place STATE OF CONNECTICUT on it and list the three Chapters under that..... Then we can all sell it together and ALL the Chapter can profit from it, and not just one.... We need to get started on putting in the recipes, ordering the books, and getting them distributed. We can talk about this at the meeting this Thursday.
Sixth, We need to put together a way for the Chapter to stay in touch with one another. There needs to be a way that we can all talk with one another and keep in touch. The more ideas we can share, the more information we can give one another, and the more support we can be to one another, the better it will be for all of us. CT Chapter One has a 'Let's Talk' group -- it is for the mothers of our Chapter to talk with one another each day. The way it works is that all of us have our email in the group -- and when you send a message to the group, it goes to everyones inbox. If someone wants each message that is fine, if they want one message a day with all the messages in it they can sest their membership that way, if they want to go to the web and read the messages on the group website they can do that too. It is up to each member -- the most important part is that we all can share each day. We have found the group to be important not only in supporting each of us as we are traveling through the days with our kids being at war -- but it has also provided us with a way to keep up on Chapter events and planning each day. Maybe we can set one up that would be for everyone? It is up to all of the mothers in all of the Chapters. We can talk about this at the meeting Thursday too.
Seventh, We will be giving our mothers their oaths and installing our officers this Thursday night. If you are a mother that has not been voted into the Chapter or taken your oath, please step forward Thursday night so that we can get you in as a full member in good standing. We are hoping to install all officers on Thursday also. If you would like to serve in an appointed position and I do now send you an email today, please let me know. I have been waiting so that I can phone people to ask if they would serve in appointed positions, as I have either had no voice or very little voice, this has not happened as of yet. With time short - I will be emailing everyone today (to your private addy) - please look for your email so I can get a list made of moms that would like to serve. I will print the yes and nos out for Thursday's meeting -- if I cannot talk at that time, Joanne will be in charge as our VP for bringing in the officers with the Chaplain and the Installing Officer. She will be giving the list.
Eighth, If you will be moving out of Chapter One and into Chapter 3 with Cecile, please get your membership applications into Chapter One for 2008 as quickly as possible. We want Cecile to be able to move through the 'paperwork' aspects of starting her Chapter as quickly as possible. Part of what she needs to do is to select officers that she will appoint --- officers of a Chapter, obviously, have to be members of BSMoA. Membership goes from January 1 (or whenever you join) to December 31. If you have not turned in your membership and paid your dues for 2008, technically by Constitution and By-Laws you are not considered a BSMoA at this point. If you can get those in right away -- then our Financial Secretary will write a transfer on them, write Cecile (Chapter 3) a check for your dues, and you would move into Chapter 3 as BSMoA members. Cecile is VERY familiar with all of the paperwork that has to be completed to form a Chapter -- it will move very quickly for her. We have gone over the 'list' -- and she is working on things right now. The important thing is that all the rest of the paperwork is set for things to move quickly once she has that complete. Right away, Chapter One will come and go through the rituals with you and then you would just send your charter work in and I will contact Anita (and others at National) to make sure it goes through right away. Things will be up and running in no time!! Elect your officers, and your Chapter is set!
Ninth, There are some financial papers that all of our Chapters must sort out and get in order. They are totally confusing -- some are local, state and some are federal. Merinda from WA state has been assisting me with some information. Also, I am going to copy off some information so that all the Chapters can have it. We have been offered some assistance from other VSO leaders in the state that will come and sit and talk with us about the 990 forms we must fill out. It would be good it all of the Chapters could work together so that everything is correct. Chapter One has been talking about hiring someone professional to look at our paperwork. As you know, the federal and the state government agencies have been clamping down more and more on non-profits. We don't want any problems... and we don't want to do things incorrectly simply because we 'didn't know'...... We don't want to get shut down, have fines, or anything else that can come along. Another thing -- we (none of the Chapters) want to affiliate with any organizations or groups that are not registered with our state as a non-profit.... Gaye can explain more of that to us (she had SOS CT for several years.) We need all of the information we can get and we need to comply correctly. National has given us a lot of incorrect information in relation to the IRS. Cecile has spent hour, after hour, after hour on the phone with IRS to try to get that part of things straightened out. She will be able to share with all the Chapters that part of the puzzle. Not to worry -- we will all help one another and it will be ok. As most of you know, as State Liaison, part of my duties are to make sure that all forming Chapters have their necessary financial paperwork in order. Thanks for the help!!!
Presenting of Mothers to the Chapter who have not yet been voted in
Voting on Mothers to be taken into the Chapter.
Swearing in and oath taking of Mothers who have not yet taken their loyalty oath.
Swearing in and oath taking of Elected Officers who were not able to make the December meeting.
Swearing in and oath taking of Appointed Officers.
Financial reports, receipts to Arlene, dues membership applications collected.
Distributing of pins, yearbooks, articles from other groups.
Discussion of our Cookbook project.
Placement of orders for our tee shirts.
Assisting Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 with institution, initiation, and installation.
Discussion on how to help all Chapters stay connected with one another.
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Sent: 10/12/2006 11:27 PM |
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Sent: 10/13/2006 10:53 AM |
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Sent: 10/13/2006 10:56 AM |
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Sent: 10/13/2006 12:24 PM |
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Sent: 10/13/2006 3:13 PM |
From: ![]() ![]() |
Sent: 10/24/2006 9:05 AM |
The Glastonbury VFW will be collecting Holiday cards and homemade cookies for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
You can help us bring holiday cheer to many soldiers who will not be home with their families for the holidays by writing letters and/or holiday cards as well as donating home baked cookies. We also need containers for the cookies
Please make up your holiday cards and send or bring them to our packing day at Congregation Kol Haverim, 1079 Hebron Ave., Glastonbury, CT 06033, place them into a box designated for them at Kol Haverim before November 12
On November 12 from 10 am until 6 pm, we will be collecting cookies and packing them at Kol Haverim
We will be collecting New Years cards and homemade cookies for the New Year Kol Haverim on December 17
Please contact Frank Forrest, Commander with any questions or if you would like to help.
Glastonbury VFW
Phone: 860-690-2845
Address for sending monetary donations: 149 Wickham Rd., Glastonbury, CT 06033
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Sent: 11/1/2006 12:17 AM |
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Sent: 11/6/2006 9:43 AM |
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Sent: 11/17/2006 9:59 AM |
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Sent: 11/27/2006 2:37 PM |
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Sent: 11/30/2006 8:02 AM |
On December 31 we will be holding a special “New Years in Baghdad” party at 3 pm with a ball drop at 4 pm which is midnight in Iraq so we can share that moment with our troops. A pot luck meal is planned for 3:30 pm.
Please contact Frank Forrest, Commander with any questions or if you would like to help:
Glastonbury VFW
Phone: 860-690-2845
Address for sending monetary donations: 149 Wickham Rd., Glastonbury, CT 06033
From: ![]() ![]() |
Sent: 12/7/2006 6:36 AM |
You Are participate in the wreath-laying ceremony and activities at Arlington National Cemetery, or at any of the locations across the Country on
Thursday, December 14th, 2006
*see location list for specific times and schedule. A Moment of Silence will be held at ALL locations at Noon EST(sharp).
List of Participating Locations
Help us with these locations we are still waiting to hear from
How can you get involved?
We hope you will be able to join us at Arlington National Cemetery or one of the other participating locations across the Country.
For those not able to attend, please pass the word that there will be a Moment of Silence at Noon EST, where people all across the Nation will stop and share a silent thank you, to all those who serve, to all we've lost, and to their families who will be without loved ones this holidays.
Please Print and Share - Help us spread the word!
Col. Raymond Gates Memorial Cemetery - Rocky Hill
Lt. Col Anthiny Cichocki, Jr.
Royal Charter Composite Squadron
Spring Grove Veterans Cemetery - Darien
Greg Sokerka
From: ![]() ![]() |
Sent: 12/7/2006 7:14 AM |
The Patriot Guard in Connecticut has been asked to escort the truck as it is passing through Connecticut that will be taking 5000 wreaths from the Worchester Wreath Co. in Maine to Arlington National Cemetary.
The truck will be leaving Harrington, Maine, on Route 1 at noon on Sunday, December 10, 2006 and will be staying for the night in Freeport, Maine. On Monday, December 11, 2006, it will travel on Route 1 and over to I-95 and cross into New Hampshire and then back onto Route 1 through Massachusetts -- onto Westerly, Rhode Island where it will again rest for the night. On Tuesday December 12, 2006, it will again travel Route 1 through Connecticut, to New York's Cross Bronx Expressway over the George Washington Bridge and on to New Jersey Turnpike South to Elizabeth, New Jersey. There it will pick up Route 1 again and go to Trenton, New Jersey for another overnight stay. On Wednesday, December 13, 2006, the truck will take Route 1 into Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and then to Arlington.
The Ceremony will be held at noon in the Arlington National Cemetary on the December 14, 2006.