Blue to Silver Program
Blue To Gold Program
The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. and the United States Department of Defense have worked together to establish the Blue to Gold Program through which mothers can offer comfort and assistance at the time of a military death.
Working through Casualty Assistance Officers and/or Funeral Home Directors, the Blue Star Mothers within the program follow strick guidelines to ensure family privacy, security, and respect.
Please see a copy of our guidelines for the program within our Blue to Gold Section here on the website: Blue to Gold
The Connecticut Blue Star Mothers - CT Chapter One also offer to our Gold Star families various personal items of comfort and care through this program. Many we make ourselves (prayer shawls, memory books, cross stitch samplers, etc.) and some come from others (oil portraits of your loved one, portraits on wood, Gold Star pins, etc.). All are given at no cost to the family to show honor and appreciation for the tremendous sacrifices they have made. Messages within the Blue to Gold section Blue to Gold describe the various items we offer.
The Blue to Gold Program is an on going program. We seek to bring comfort at the time of loss and we also seek to continue to assist the families in any way that we can. All Gold Star Family members are welcome and will be given honorary membership to the Connecticut Blue Star Mothers Chapter.
Our Chapter began to form in May of 2006 and, thus we were not here at the time many of our CT military were lost in the war on terror. If we can assist you at this time, please contact us. If you would like to have any of the items we can offer, please let us know. If you would like to join with us to be a part of our family that cares for the troops and veterans, we welcome you.
For any questions concerning the Blue to Gold Program in Connecticut, please contact the Connecticut Blue to Gold State Liaison for the Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc., Rev. Lin McGee at: Email
Phone: 860-379-1298 Address: 111 Marshall St. Winsted, CT 06098
Scholarship Program
Scholarships are being offered by the CT Blue Star Mothers.
The CT Blue Star Mothers are a non-profit, non-partisan, non-religious national Veterans Service Organization, which is chartered by congress. We offer support to mothers with children serving in the military.
The scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis to children of military personnel:
- Active duty personnel
- Deployed personnel
- Veteran whom served in the theater of war
Winners will be selected on the basis of financial need, academic record and community activities.
Any interested military dependant may obtain an application form from the school guidance office or our website:
For more information please contact:
Scholarship Officer, Micky Milo
Scholarship Information Sheet -- 2007
Scholarship Application
NAME: _______________________________________________________________________
Last First Middle
Home Address: _________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip
Phone #: __________________ Birth date: ______________ SSN: _______________
Father’s Name: _________________________ Mother’s Name: __________________________
Occupation: ____________________________ Occupation: _____________________________
Information on parent in military: ___________________________________________________
Please attach FAFSA application.
List other Relatives whom are financially independent upon your parents or yourself:
Name: Birth date: Occupation:
List Colleges, Institutions or training programs to which you have applied:
________________________________ _______________________________________
________________________________ _______________________________________
________________________________ _______________________________________
________________________________ _______________________________________
List any volunteer work that you have done in the past two years:
Write a statement of your educational and goals:
Describe your family financial circumstances:
Anticipated educational expenses for the upcoming year:
Tuition: $________________________
Books: $_________________________
Board: $_________________________
Room: $_________________________
Travel: $_________________________
Supplies: $_______________________
Total: $_____________
Amount of financial support you expect from:
Parents: $_______________________
Relatives: $______________________
Scholarships: $___________________
Loans: $________________________
Self: $__________________________
Other sources: $__________________
Total: $_____________
Three letters of recommendation are required.
You or your parents are encouraged to include any additional information in support of your application. (Please attach)
I give my permission for my name and/or picture to appear in any media prepared for the purpose of informing the community about the CT Blue Star Mother scholarship program.
Please send the application to: Micky Milo
P.O. Box 1018
Southport, CT 06890
Please Attach Photo Here:
Applicant’s Signature Date
We Are Not Able To Offer The Scholarship For The 2008 Year
Amanda Whalen - Making A Difference!
Wreath Project
Connecticut Blue Star Mothers License Plates!
Friday, February 2, 2007
The Senate was called to order at 10: 59 a. m. in accordance with the provisions of Senate Rule 9(b), and under the authority of the President Pro Tempore and the Senate Minority Leader.
The prayer was offered by Acting Chaplain, Frank A. Forzano of South Windsor, Connecticut.
The following is the prayer:
Dear God, let us renew our faith in You and in ourselves so that by genuine and wholesome desire, our result will meet Your approval. Amen.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 9(b) the Senate is called into Session, by the Office of the Senate Clerk's under the authority of the President Pro Tempore and the Senate Minority Leader.
It is hereby moved that Senate Agenda Number 1, dated February 2, 2007, is adopted, the items on said Agenda shall be acted upon as indicated and that the Agenda shall be incorporated into the Senate Journal and Senate Transcript.
The following reports were received, read by the Clerk and referred to the Committees indicated:
Office of The Chief State's Attorney. Annual Ex Parte Orders Report for the calendar year 2006 as required by Section 54-47aa(g) of the Connecticut General Statutes. Received February 1, 2007.
The report was referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Connecticut State Library. Annual Report from the Commission for Educational Technology as required by Section 4d-80, of the Connecticut General Statutes. Received February 1, 2007.
The report was referred to the Committees on Education and Appropriations
In accordance with the provisions of Senate Rule 9(b), the first reading of the following bills and resolutions was waived, the list of bills and resolutions as prepared by the Clerks was accepted, and the bills and resolutions referred to the Committees as indicated thereon in concurrence:
S. B. No. 1083 (RAISED) SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN. 'AN ACT PROVIDING ADULT ADOPTED PERSONS WITH ACCESS TO INFORMATION IN THEIR ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATES', to permit adults who were adopted in this state to obtain a copy of their unaltered original birth certificate.
S. B. No. 1084 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT REORGANIZING LOCAL LAND USE COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND AGENCIES', to reorganize local land use agencies in each municipality in order to improve adoption and administration of local land use policies and regulations, thereby providing benefits to municipalities, the general public and other participants in land use planning and regulation.
S. B. No. 1085 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING ZONING APPEALS', to clarify land use statutes by providing for a uniform appeals process for special permits and exceptions.
S. B. No. 1086 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING THE TIMELY DETERMINATION OF LOCAL LAND USE DECISIONS', to establish a process for determining the completeness of an application before municipal land use boards, and to promote adherence to the statutory time frame for processing and making final municipal decisions on land use applications.
S. B. No. 1087 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING ASSESSMENT OF CERTAIN INCOME RESTRICTED HOUSING', to revise assessment methods of government-assisted housing so that valuation of such housing is fair and consistent.
S. B. No. 1088 (RAISED) GENERAL LAW. 'AN ACT CONCERNING THE PRACTICE OF PHARMACY', to make changes to statutes administered by the Drug Control Division of the Department of Consumer Protection to protect the health and safety of the general public.
S. B. No. 1089 (RAISED) BANKS. 'AN ACT ENCOURAGING THE SAFEKEEPING OF CONSUMER INFORMATION IN RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS', to ensure that retail businesses who do not protect the personal information of their customers are held responsible for the economic consequences of a breach of security.
S. B. No. 1090 (RAISED) SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN. 'AN ACT CONCERNING THE RIGHT OF FOSTER PARENTS, PROSPECTIVE ADOPTIVE PARENTS AND RELATIVE CAREGIVERS TO BE HEARD IN CERTAIN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS', to allow foster parents, prospective adoptive parents and relative caregivers with the opportunity to be heard in certain court proceedings concerning a child in their care.
H. B. No. 7037 (RAISED) SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN. 'AN ACT EXPANDING THE SUBSIDIZED GUARDIANSHIP PROGRAM TO SIBLINGS OF CHILDREN LIVING WITH RELATIVE CAREGIVERS', to expand the Department of Children and Families' subsidized guardianship program for the benefit of siblings of children living with relative caregivers.
H. B. No. 7038 (RAISED) GENERAL LAW. 'AN ACT CONCERNING THE HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR GUARANTY FUND', to increase the maximum payment from the Home Improvement Contractor Guaranty Fund from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars.
H. B. No. 7039 (RAISED) JUDICIARY. 'AN ACT CONCERNING PUBLIC ACCESS TO PROCEEDINGS IN CERTAIN JUVENILE MATTERS', to (1) permit members of the public to observe certain juvenile court proceedings concerning termination of parental rights or children or youth who are alleged to be uncared for, neglected or dependent, and (2) permit the court, on a case-by-case basis, to prohibit the dissemination of certain identifying information disclosed in such proceedings.
H. B. No. 7040 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING RESUBDIVISIONS AND CLARIFYING THE CONSIDERATION BY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONS OF INLAND WETLANDS DECISIONS', to make public hearings on resubdivision discretionary and to clarify consideration of planning and zoning commissions of decisions of inland wetlands agencies.
H. B. No. 7041 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING ZONING ENFORCEMENT', to eliminate the provisions allowing treble damages against a zoning enforcement officer who issues a citation if the court finds that such citation was issued frivolously or without probable cause.
H. B. No. 7042 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING MAKING A MINOR CHANGE TO THE LOCAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM', to delete provisions concerning adoption or revision of a municipal plan of development, obsolete because of legislative changes to section 8-23 of the general statutes.
H. B. No. 7043 (RAISED) PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY. 'AN ACT CONCERNING OFF-TRACK BETTING BRANCH FACILITIES', to delete references to dog racing and jai alai games because there are no longer any jai alai or dog racing facilities in the state of Connecticut.
H. B. No. 7044 (RAISED) PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY. 'AN ACT CONCERNING THE DISCLOSURE OF SENSITIVE RECORDS', to give the Commissioner of Emergency Management and Homeland Security the authority to decide whether to disclose certain sensitive records under the FOI statutes.
Proposed H. B. No. 7045 REP. O'ROURKE, 32nd DIST. 'AN ACT CREATING A CONNECTICUT BLUE STAR MOTHERS LICENSE PLATE', to commemorate the wartime service of Connecticut servicemen and women and the work of the Blue Star Mothers organization.
The Senate at 11: 02 a. m. adjourned under provisions of Senate Rule 9(b) subject to the call of the chair.
Friday, February 2, 2007
The House of Representatives was called to order at 11: 40 o'clock a. m. , Representative Ryan of the 139th District in the Chair.
Prayer was offered by the guest Chaplain, Jonathan R. Root of New Britain, Connecticut.
The following is the prayer:
Let us pray. Almighty Father, there is much work ahead of us. Grant us Your wisdom so that our decisions will be constructive in bringing forth our legislation. Amen.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jonathan R. Root of New Britain, Connecticut.
The following reports were received on the date indicated, read by the Clerk and referred to the Committees indicated:
Annual Report - State of Connecticut - Division of Criminal Justice - Office of the Chief State's Attorney - Annual Wiretap Report. (Pursuant to Sections 11-4a and 54-41o(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes. ) Date Received: February 1, 2007
Referred to the Committees on Public Safety and Security and Judiciary.
Annual Report - Department of Economic and Community Development - Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2005 - 2006. (Pursuant to Public Act 05-191. ) Date Received: February 1, 2007
Referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Report - Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services - Project SAFE Report for 2006. (Pursuant to Section 17a-715(g) of the Connecticut General Statutes. ) Date Received: February 1, 2007
Referred to the Committees on Public Health, Human Services and the Select Committee on Children.
On motion of Representative Johnston of the 51st District, the first reading of the following bills and resolutions was waived, the list of bills and resolutions as prepared by the Clerks was accepted, and the bills and resolutions referred to the committees as indicated thereon in concurrence.
H. B. No. 7037 (RAISED) SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN. 'AN ACT EXPANDING THE SUBSIDIZED GUARDIANSHIP PROGRAM TO SIBLINGS OF CHILDREN LIVING WITH RELATIVE CAREGIVERS', to expand the Department of Children and Families' subsidized guardianship program for the benefit of siblings of children living with relative caregivers.
H. B. No. 7038 (RAISED) GENERAL LAW. 'AN ACT CONCERNING THE HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR GUARANTY FUND', to increase the maximum payment from the Home Improvement Contractor Guaranty Fund from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars.
H. B. No. 7039 (RAISED) JUDICIARY. 'AN ACT CONCERNING PUBLIC ACCESS TO PROCEEDINGS IN CERTAIN JUVENILE MATTERS', to (1) permit members of the public to observe certain juvenile court proceedings concerning termination of parental rights or children or youth who are alleged to be uncared for, neglected or dependent, and (2) permit the court, on a case-by-case basis, to prohibit the dissemination of certain identifying information disclosed in such proceedings.
H. B. No. 7040 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING RESUBDIVISIONS AND CLARIFYING THE CONSIDERATION BY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONS OF INLAND WETLANDS DECISIONS', to make public hearings on resubdivision discretionary and to clarify consideration of planning and zoning commissions of decisions of inland wetlands agencies.
H. B. No. 7041 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING ZONING ENFORCEMENT', to eliminate the provisions allowing treble damages against a zoning enforcement officer who issues a citation if the court finds that such citation was issued frivolously or without probable cause.
H. B. No. 7042 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING MAKING A MINOR CHANGE TO THE LOCAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM', to delete provisions concerning adoption or revision of a municipal plan of development, obsolete because of legislative changes to section 8-23 of the general statutes.
H. B. No. 7043 (RAISED) PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY. 'AN ACT CONCERNING OFF-TRACK BETTING BRANCH FACILITIES', to delete references to dog racing and jai alai games because there are no longer any jai alai or dog racing facilities in the state of Connecticut.
H. B. No. 7044 (RAISED) PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY. 'AN ACT CONCERNING THE DISCLOSURE OF SENSITIVE RECORDS', to give the Commissioner of Emergency Management and Homeland Security the authority to decide whether to disclose certain sensitive records under the FOI statutes.
Proposed H. B. No. 7045 REP. O'ROURKE, 32nd DIST. 'AN ACT CREATING A CONNECTICUT BLUE STAR MOTHERS LICENSE PLATE', to commemorate the wartime service of Connecticut servicemen and women and the work of the Blue Star Mothers organization.
S. B. No. 1083 (RAISED) SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN. 'AN ACT PROVIDING ADULT ADOPTED PERSONS WITH ACCESS TO INFORMATION IN THEIR ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATES', to permit adults who were adopted in this state to obtain a copy of their unaltered original birth certificate.
S. B. No. 1084 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT REORGANIZING LOCAL LAND USE COMMISSIONS, BOARDS AND AGENCIES', to reorganize local land use agencies in each municipality in order to improve adoption and administration of local land use policies and regulations, thereby providing benefits to municipalities, the general public and other participants in land use planning and regulation.
S. B. No. 1085 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING ZONING APPEALS', to clarify land use statutes by providing for a uniform appeals process for special permits and exceptions.
S. B. No. 1086 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING THE TIMELY DETERMINATION OF LOCAL LAND USE DECISIONS', to establish a process for determining the completeness of an application before municipal land use boards, and to promote adherence to the statutory time frame for processing and making final municipal decisions on land use applications.
S. B. No. 1087 (RAISED) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT. 'AN ACT CONCERNING ASSESSMENT OF CERTAIN INCOME RESTRICTED HOUSING', to revise assessment methods of government-assisted housing so that valuation of such housing is fair and consistent.
S. B. No. 1088 (RAISED) GENERAL LAW. 'AN ACT CONCERNING THE PRACTICE OF PHARMACY', to make changes to statutes administered by the Drug Control Division of the Department of Consumer Protection to protect the health and safety of the general public.
S. B. No. 1089 (RAISED) BANKS. 'AN ACT ENCOURAGING THE SAFEKEEPING OF CONSUMER INFORMATION IN RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS', to ensure that retail businesses who do not protect the personal information of their customers are held responsible for the economic consequences of a breach of security.
S. B. No. 1090 (RAISED) SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN. 'AN ACT CONCERNING THE RIGHT OF FOSTER PARENTS, PROSPECTIVE ADOPTIVE PARENTS AND RELATIVE CAREGIVERS TO BE HEARD IN CERTAIN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS', to allow foster parents, prospective adoptive parents and relative caregivers with the opportunity to be heard in certain court proceedings concerning a child in their care.
On motion of Representative Johnston of the 51st District, the House adjourned at 11: 43 o'clock a. m. , to meet again at the Call of the Chair.
Butter Braids Fundraiser
Butter Braids Fund Raising Update! Final Tally!
From: <NOBR>![]() ![]() |
Sent: 11/17/2006 10:07 AM |
Hi Ladies: The final tally for our fundraiser came to: $1,767.50 in sales with 186 items sold. Our chapter's profit is $744.50!! Great job ladies!!! Our profits are earmarked to pay chapter moms who purchased parade banners and to reimburse for other chapter start-up costs such as photocopying, post office box, etc. Sue Martucci |
BUTTER BRAIDS - September/October 2007
Report For Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. Annual Meeting for 2006
Please click on the link below and enter your birthday, your child's birthday, or any other important dates so that the CT BSM can celebrate with you!!!
We are creating what is called 'a birthday calendar' It comes from a company that will keep track of the day and dates you set -- and then will remind us!!! Just click on the link and enter your info!!!<WBR>/dob/74864377a8680538b362
Thanks So Much!!!