A Special Place In Life For Me
- President: Rev. Lin McGee
- Vice-President: Joanne Pratte
- Co-Recording Secretary: Renee Whalen
- Co-Recording Secretary: Dianne Croce
- Financial Secretary: Cecile Fazio
- Treasurer: Arlene Grasso
- Financial Assistant: Gaye Zukauskas
- Sergeant-At-Arms: Donna Severson
- Chaplain: F. Mae Flynn
- Historian: Joanne Pratte
- Parliamentarian: Colleen Lawson
- Patriotic Instructor: Donna Severson
- Awareness/Recognition Director:
- Legislation and Reform: Judith Marshall
- Color Guards:
- Musician: F. Mae Flynn
- Installing Officer: Donna Sanford
- Drop Off Center Coordinator for Troop/Veteran Items: Cecile Fazio
- Media Manager:
- Hospitality / 'Run For The Wall' / "Patriot Guard": Renee Whalen
- Fund Raising:
- Scholarships: Micky Milo
- Comfort and Care: Lindsy Gagnon
- Membership Officer: Donna Sanford
- Webmaster: Lin McGee
- Armed Forces Emergency Services Coordinator / 'American Red Cross': F. Mae Flynn
- Pastor / 'Blue To Gold': Rev. Lin McGee
- Troop Care Coordinator: Gaye Zukauskas
- Military Academy Parent/Cadet Liaison:
- Veteran Care Coordinator / VAVS: Lin McGee
- Veteran Care Coordinator with CT DAV:
- Veteran Liaison for Veteran's Home Rocky Hill:
- Veteran Liaison for VA Facility Newington: Cecile Fazio
- Veteran Liaison for VA Facility West Haven: Micky Milo
- Veteran Liaison for VA Facility Winsted: Lin McGee
- Veteran Liaison for VA Facility Danbury:
- Veteran Liaison for VA Facility Stamford:
- Veteran Liaison for VA Facility New London:
- Veteran Liaison for VA Facility Waterbury:
- Veteran Liaison for VA Facility Windham:
- Coordinator for CT VFW and American Legion Posts:
- Coordinator for CT Service Organizations:
- Connecticut State Liaison for Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.: Lin McGee
- Connecticut Blue To Gold State Liaison for Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.: Lin McGee
- Department of Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS Washington) State Representative: Lin McGee
- Department of Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS Washington) State Deputy: Kathy Hotchkiss
It would be greatly appreciated if someone would volunteer to serve in any of the above positions that are vacant.
Many of our moms are serving in several positions at this time to get our organization up and running properly. If you see an area you are interested in helping to develop, please let us know.
We each know best what are skills are, and we each need to try to serve in the best ways we know that we can according to those skills. If you would be willing to do so, please contact Lin McGee at 860-379-1298 or email:
An important question on everyone's mind is 'what will be required of me'.... This is a support group to support the moms, the troops, troop families, and the veterans. How much can you do? You know best!! Every mom is important, every mom counts, and whatever each mom can do is all that CT Blue Star Mothers 'expects'.
The Blue Star Mothers
a poem by Roger J. Robicheau
Conceived by Captain George H. Maines
This group was formed and still sustains
Fine hearted women brought to stay
The Blue Star Mothers we love today
That year was nineteen forty-two
Tough battles raged so far from view
Their young were in the midst of war
Support was needed from their shore
Great mothers of our troops came through
And forged their path in World War II
Since then their vision has maintained
Proud patriots, how they've remained
Each Blue Star Mom is filled with love
They strive to spread so much hereof
To warm the heart where there is need
Accomplished works, superb indeed
In war and peace how strong they stand
God Bless each one throughout our land
© 2005 Roger J. Robicheau
The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a non-partisan, non-political organization. We do not support any political candidate nor do we endorse any religious organization. The military represents all aspects of America as does our organization. We are here to support our troops, our veterans, one another, and the cause of patriotism Please adhere to our purpose when posting to this site; do not use it for any personal platform. DO NOT post anything that does not comply with Operational Security measures! Also we must adhere to copyright laws when posting. Linking to our website does not represent an endorsement on the part of Connecticut Blue Star Mothers or Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.