Questions and Answers About Joining The Connecticut Blue Star Mothers
CT - Chapter One, Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.
How Do I Join? To join the Connecticut Blue Star Mothers, go to the National website: Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. look to the left hand side of the page, click on the 'join' link, and fill out the application that you will find online. You would mark that application with "Connecticut Blue Star Mothers", "CT - Chapter One" and 'join'. You would then send that application along with your $10.00 annual dues for the calendar year 2007 to our Membership Officer, Donna Sanford Mail your completed application and check to: Connecticut Blue Star Mothers PO Box 94 Plymouth, CT 06782 Attention: Donna Sanford, Membership Officer PLEASE REMEMBER -- if you are already registered with National through the National One holding Chapter for this year, you will still need to fill out the application for the CT BSM records. AND -- if you have registered with National in past years you were a member ONLY FOR THE YEAR/S FOR WHICH YOU REGISTERED. National requires annual registration. Membership in the CT BSM will also require annual membership applications (marked as 'renewal') and the ten dollar dues per year, as we must submit and report all memberships and finances annually to the Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. If you join the organization during the months of November and December, your $10.00 registration will also apply to the following year. We request, however, that you fill out a membership application for both the year you are joining when you join -- AND -- an application for the the following year when January arrives. Contact The Connecticut Blue Star Mothers directly if you need help with the above process on joining. To do this, contact Rev. Lin McGee at 111 Marshall St., Winsted, CT 06098 --- Phone: 860-379-1298 -- or Email: PROCESS OF APPLICATION: MEMO: Joining this Connecticut Blue Star Mothers online website -- the msn group website for the Connecticut Members, troops and veterans, and troop and veteran friends -- DOES NOT constitute joining and becoming a member of the Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. or the Connecticut Blue Star Mothers. Joining this online website will keep you up to date on our announcements, activities, and events -- it will also allow you to fellowship with other people who have joined this website -- it will also assist you in finding various information and help related to veterans and service people. But again, joining this website DOES NOT constitute membership within the Blue Star Mothers organization itself! What is the financial cost of being a Blue Star Mother? The cost for membership in Blue Star Mothers is $10.00 (ten dollars) annually. Dues are paid at the time that you join (sent along with your application). After that, membership dues are collected once a year with January being the membership renewal month.
There are also pins for both the moms and the dads that are members of Blue Star Mothers and Blue Star Dads. If you would like a membership pin, please include an extra ten dollars per pin with your membership application. Also, the mother's pin comes in small and large -- please indicate which pin you would like when you order. Dad's and Associate's pin only come in the large.
Who Are The Members of the Blue Star Mothers?
Membership in the Blue Star Mothers consists of three different types:
Blue Star Mother -- A Mother or Step Mother (since the child was of the age of thirteen) who has a son or daughter who is serving, or has been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States. Services included are the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, Reserve Units, and the Merchant Marines
Blue Star Dad -- A Father or Step Father (since the child was of the age of thirteen) who has a son or daughter who is serving, or has been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States. Services included are the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, Reserve Units, and the Merchant Marines
Associate Member -- A spouse, sister, brother, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, or friend of someone who is serving, or has been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States. Services included are the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, Reserve Units, and the Merchant Marines
The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a non-partisan, non-political organization. We do not support any political candidate nor do we endorse any religious organization. The military represents all aspects of America as does our organization. We are here to support our troops, our veterans, one another, and the cause of patriotism Please adhere to our purpose when posting to this site; do not use it for any personal platform. DO NOT post anything that does not comply with Operational Security measures! Also we must adhere to copyright laws when posting. Linking to our website does not represent an endorsement on the part of Connecticut Blue Star Mothers or Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.